Phoenix Farms 3rd Campaign for Organic Fruit Products

A glass plate with 4 ripe peaches sit on a wooden countertop, along with a just baked peach tart.
the logo for Phoenix Farms Organic Fruit  is an illustration opf a leafy tree set against a short gradient from a sky blue to grass green. It includes the name of the farm and the benefits of USA grown organic produce.
This image shows a package of frozen raspberries on a yellow backgroun. There is also a blender and some fresh fruit. This poster promotes year-around fresh fruit smoothies.


    These are the last of the posters promoting the fictional Phoenix Farm Organic Produce that I created for the March Photoshop 9-Day Creative Challenge. I used fruit from PixelSquid, templates from AdobeStock, other images from Pixabay & AdobeStock, plus backgrounds, gradients and other accouterments created from scratch.

    Many of the challenges focus on branding, sometimes to the point of repetition. I can only create so many logos for myself — right now, I’m happy with what I’ve already created. It’s always much easier and more fun if I can think of a fictional client to work for. Unfortunately, finding that imaginary client is often the most difficult part of the creative process. I need some real clients . . . :-)

    Take care and stay well. Don’t forget your vaccines. 


All material and images © Marie Rediess, cREEations Photography & Design, Algonac, Mi.

No reproduction allowed without specific written permission.